Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April (Snow) Showers II

I don't know why I was surprised, since it happened last year.

But I was. This morning, I woke up to an April snow on the roofline.

I ran to the back to make sure it was really true. 

And it was. Spring is trying so hard to get here, but it seems like winter is having a hard time letting go. 

Snow on the patio table:

And snow on the grill. 

Still, I know it's coming. I see buds everywhere and the sun is rising earlier and earlier. Despite the lingering cold, I just know that it's right around the corner, and that makes my insides hum a little bit.

"Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush." - Doug Larson

Monday, April 6, 2015

Cubs Season Opener 2015

"I guess they won't be serving beer at Wrigley Field this year... 
They lost the opener."

Wrigley Field is under cubstruction, which made visiting the field for the season opener really fun this year.

It also made things a bit tough. In our area, multiple bathrooms were closed for renovations. The lines for the existing bathrooms were so so long. At one point Geoff left to visit the bathroom under our seats and returned 10 minutes later, dejected. "The line is way too long. I can't even see the back of it. I'm just going to eat a hot dog and hope it soaks some of it up from the inside."

Probably the best and funniest thing that I've heard about 2015 bathroomgate is this... take a moment to consider the Cubs' new slogan this year: "Let's go." Ha.

Ultimately the Cubs fell to the Cardinals, 0-3, but we had such a great day going down to the city early, getting swept up in the atmosphere of Wrigleyville, enjoying the tributes to Ernie Banks, and getting back into the rhythmic cadence of our national pastime. It's such a nice hello to spring.

We visited a few of the Wrigleyville watering holes before we went inside:

And we walked around the whole perimeter of the field to check things out.

We lined up early to get in before things got too crowded. Here is the new view of the stadium as seen from right field:

And here is the upper-level view from left field.

It was really fun to walk around and check out all of the updates.

We went to peer over the side of the stadium to see how things were going on Clark and Addison. Busy.

Here is Fall Out Boy performing. It didn't go so well. The sound didn't work. I didn't mind.

And here, finally, is a familiar sight that warms my heart up.

Play ball! Can't wait to watch this season.