Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cubby Turns One!

Cubby is one today! Maybe she'll start acting like a good dog now. Probably not though. She's a dreadful beast through and through.

Instead of a birthday cake I am cooking Cubby an unseasoned chicken breast - what can I say, it's what she asked for. Dogs are weird.

We get stopped daily (really, daily) by people asking what kind of dog she is. Once someone asked us if she was a dingo. To which we replied, yeah, guy, we're raising a dingo.

In reality, she's half collie mix and half Catahoula leopard dog. Catahoulas are often used as working dogs on Wisconsin farms. One particular farm just happened to decide not to neuter their pup, and a smokin' hot stray collie mix just happened to skitter by, and... well... you get it. 

Cubby and siblings with their mama.
These two puppy pictures are from Richland Area Rescue

We adopted Cubby from Richland Area Rescue in South-Central Wisconsin. She's skittish (possibly imprinted from her mother), she has an insatiable hunger for shoes, and she wakes me up at 5:55AM every morning, even weekends, but we love her anyway and we've never looked back.

Here are some more pictures of Cubby's first year.

Rescued from certain and awful fate of becoming a Packers fan, Cubby enjoys a taste for the finer things in Chicagoland cheering for the Bears. 

Scattering my neat leaf piles

Sad day, spay day

Chomping my flowers

At a winery in Michigan, mad because she can't have any wine.
Tearing pieces off the Christmas tree when we aren't looking, excellent holiday spirit.
Just sniffin'.

Doling out lots of unwanted facial kisses
"Helping" me paint - a.k.a. backing up into wet walls.



  1. I thought she had some Australian Catahoula in her. Our new dog bandit is Australian cattle / lab mix. Which often get combined in descriptions. Cubby and Bandit have some similarities in looks... adorable of course :-)

    1. Karla - awesome!! Send pictures!! I bet you have your hands full - talk about high energy...
