Friday, April 18, 2014

One Step at a Time

Did you know that concrete steps can weaken over time, especially in areas that experience frequent freeze and thaw?

I did not.  

When we returned from our trip to Jamaica, we discovered that our back steps, which previously conveniently provided us access from the back door to the ground, were crumbling. The middle stair had developed a fist-sized hole, and the rest was quickly caving in. No bueno. No seguro.

We had to bust those suckers out.

You might think I don't know how to use this thing properly. You'd be right.
Cheaper than therapy. 
I asked Geoff if we could install an escalator, or waterslide, but in the end we went with... steps.

We're still trying to figure out what to do about a handrail. In the meantime, please try not to fall into the bush.

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