Friday, June 6, 2014

Burger Night at Inovasi

I always see posts and stories about awards for "the best burger in town" or "best burger on the North Shore." But I think people are confused about what best means. Best does not mean biggest. Best does not mean the most expensive. Best does not mean "comes with really great fries." For my money, the best burger, the one I keep coming back to, the one I love, is at Inovasi in Lake Bluff.

They only make them on Tuesday. They only use the tastiest grass-fed beef. The menu changes almost every week, and every time I leave, and I mean every time, I say, "that was a really great burger."

My go-to burger (even when it's not on the menu) is the Hobo, where you place your trust squarely in the hands of the kitchen staff. They give you whatever they feel like. Sometimes it's pretty normal... cheese and browned onions. Sometimes it's not - once they gave me a burger with watermelon on it. And it actually worked. 

We went to Inovasi on Tuesday this week with friends:

(what an attractive pair!)

And of course we ordered the burgers.

And as usual, I loved it!

Anybody else have a favorite burger on the North Shore? Email it to me at


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