Sunday, September 7, 2014

2014 Garden Report

Garden Report

Sunflower seeds planted: 250
Sunflowers: 3
Sunflower seeds enjoyed by neighborhood animals: 247

Strawberries: Purchased from Lake Bluff Garden Club Garden Market
Planted in partial shade (dumb)
Strawberries: 4

Lavender: Purchased from Home Depot
Going strong, has plenty of room to grow (see: Sunflowers)

Basil: Dead

Watermelon: Dead

Bachelors Buttons: Dead

Black Beauty Zucchini, grown lovingly from seed in my basement starting in April
Zucchini blossoms: 100
Actual Zucchini: 4
(What am I doing wrong?)

Tomatoes, grown even more lovingly from seed by my Master Gardener mother
--Better Boy, Big Beef--
Tomatoes galore. Caprese salad every day. Tomato sandwiches.  Salted tomato slices for snack. We're starting to take on a slightly pinkish hue from eating all of these tomatoes.

I find myself rearranging the tomato bowl every day, bringing the ripe ones to the top.

1 comment:

  1. Your zucchinis didn't fruit because they didn't get pollinated!! You could learn how to hand pollinate but it seems to me a SURE SIGN that you should take up beekeeping.
