Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Day in Lake Bluff - 2015

I love New Year's. Everything seems so fresh. It is the same feeling I get about a new school supplies, or a new journal with crisp, clean pages, or just-washed linens on a perfectly made bed. It rings of promise; the year ahead is yet unmarked, unsullied, and clear for opportunities. Endless possibilities bounce around inside my head.

On New Years Day, Geoff took me on a walk to the lake. It was cold and clear and blue and beautiful.

We had to work hard to keep Cubby from jumping into the icy water.

The ice at the shoreline made this amazing wavy pattern, mixed with sand:

And on the lake, ice floes are starting to form:

Here are my New Years resolutions.
--Mind: Read every book club book - no skipping
--Body: Clean eating and more exercise (more after-dinner walks!)
--Spirit: Go camping at least once every season in 2015. Spend more time outside. Be quieter, and be comfortable in the quiet.


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