Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cubby goes Swimming

The weather has been so phenomenal on the North Shore this weekend -- low 80's, sunny... It seems like everyone is out walking, biking, and playing. Lake Bluff has a section of beach designated for specifically for dogs, so we took Cubby there for a little off-leash fun. 

We took the Cub swimming last year but didn't let her go too far in because she was just a puppy. I was worried that she wouldn't remember how to do it this year. But of course I was wrong -- here she is, first swim of 2014: 

You can tell that she was a little reluctant at first. Once she got the hang of it though, she was more than happy to bound in after the ball:

Like a boss.

Followed by doing it all over again about 100 times. We've got a happy, tired, and wet dog.

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