Wednesday, October 22, 2014

North Shore Amour Travels: London

I went to London for a week for business, so my leisure time was very limited. I did, however, spend some of that time trying to mimic the life of a Londoner: I watched bowls on TV, I drank ciders over ice at the pub, and I happily splashed my way through puddles in the chill October rain in my best work shoes. My umbrella became an extension of my arm, ever at the ready, deftly maneuvering under scaffolding and lifted high to wade through crowded street corners.

I also showed my truer American colors. I hummed Mary Poppins songs to myself while I navigated the streets; I shuffled confusedly through the pounds in my palm (why is the two pence piece so BIG?); and I routinely looked the wrong way on the street and stepped out into traffic, requiring a few heroic rescues from passersby.

Right now the Tower of London is hosting an amazing art installation, where the field outside of the tower is being gradually filled with ceramic poppies. The goal is to make and place enough poppies to represent every British military fatality during the first World War. It is moving when you stand and look over the field of red, especially when considering the installation’s title: Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red.

I stayed in a hotel near St. Paul’s cathedral.

I love this view, where it appears that St. Paul’s is floating above the River Thames:

I used the river as a reference point. On the north side, I made my way to Big Ben:

I loved the tour of Westminster. It holds so much special history.

I also walked all along the south side of the river. I felt that the surroundings invited me to stroll.

Borough Market

I checked. It was most decidedly not falling down.

I did have one night off to myself. I sat on the steps of St. Paul’s, bought a cup of fruit, read my book and watched people until it got dark.

I think London is smashing.

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