Wednesday, October 8, 2014

North Shore Amour Travels: Cleveland

It can be sad when friends move away, but I like to consider the silver lining: now there is a new place to visit and a place to stay when you go. That is how we ended up in Cleveland last weekend, to visit our friends Sarah and Matt. 

The song is true... Cleveland rocks! 

We visited the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Mitchell's Ice Cream, the Market Garden Brewery and Beer Garden, and we got a good look at Lake Erie. (I'm partial to Lake Michigan, of course, but Erie wasn't half bad.)

We took a really neat tour of the Great Lakes Brewing Company. During our tour they were brewing their Christmas Ale, the air inside the brewery warm and spicy with cinnamon. It smelled like a Christmas wonderland in there. I loved it.

My favorite thing in Cleveland is the West Side Market, an indoor/outdoor market on the National Registry of Historic Places. The market is over 100 years old.

I bought a small loaf of olive bread for $1 and pulled off small bites as I wandered up and down the aisles, looking at everything the stalls had for sale. 

I got a kick out of these "puppy bones":

And the poem on these miniature Shepherd's pies:

The building was so beautiful. I could see myself coming here every weekend to stroll the aisles and buy good food for the week ahead. 

No dice getting in here!

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