Thursday, May 15, 2014

The One about a Red Shirt

Long ago, there was a much-feared pirate captain who was said to never turn away from battle. Other pirates would try to overcome and board his ship, but he always fought them off.

One day while sailing, the lookout in the crow's nest said, "I see a ship coming! They're headed straight for us!"

The crew started to panic, but the pirate captain calmly said to his first mate, "Bring me my red shirt."

The first mate got the captain's red shirt and he put it on. The captain and his crew fought the opposing ship and killed or drowned every last man. None fought harder than the pirate captain.

The next day, the lookout cried down, "Another ship, larger this time! These scallywags look quite mean!"

The captain said again to his first mate, "Bring me my red shirt." Again the captain and his crew fought and prevailed over the other ship, and they were not overtaken.

Exhausted from two days of hard fighting, the men sat on deck and tried to recover. "Captain," said the first mate, "Why do you always wear your red shirt during battle?"

"You see, my boys," answered the captain, "The key to winning is to never show weakness. If you are injured, a red shirt will hide your blood, and they will not see that you are weakened." 

The pirates marveled at the bravery of their captain.

The very next morning, the lookout called down once more. "There are 10 ships coming straight for us, all with boarding parties! We are doomed!"

"Mate," the captained called to his first mate. 

"Yes, Captain? Do you want your red shirt?" he asked.

The captain paused and looked out at the 10 ships quickly approaching. "No," he said. "Bring me my brown pants."

Paraphrased and slightly reworked from Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 6.

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